How to make a payment on alibaba
2021-07-06 provides a platform for buyers and sellers to trade easily. There are two main benefits for both of us processing payment on

1. Safety: Alibaba will only release the money after the product is delivered.

2. Efficiency: Compared with the traditional credit card payment channel, paying on alibaba can greatly improve the payment success rate, so as customer, you won't call bank to verify the identity.

Just clarify here, we create the order for you on alibaba and you pay there, which is only a method to process and collect your payment. The product you will receive is still those things you ordered on 


Right now, let me tell you how to complete the payment on alibaba. it may take 3 mins for whole process.

Step 1.  Download the APP

Make sure you already have the APP of Alibaba, if not, you can sign up an acount on APP of Alibaba. You can click HERE  to downlaod it. (If you are not jumpped to the download page, you can visit the site

Step 2.  Sign up account

Registering an account on is very easy on alibaba, which is like you register an account on Amazon. However if you are not clear the process, You can follow the pic below to complete the registration work.

Step 3.  Find us on Alibaba

Click HERE  to find us on Alibaba, if you are not clear about it, you can check the pic below

Just mention again, we create the order for you on alibaba and you pay there, which is only a method to process and collect your payment. The product you will receive is still those things you ordered on 

If you have any doubt or need any support, you can contact us via the info below

-WhatsApp:+86 152 2830 4189(Denise)  /   +86 156 7671 7421(Silver) 

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